Yu Nagaba
Artist, born in Tokyo in 1976. Moved to Turkey when he was a child due to his father's job transfer, where he learned oil painting from a local artist. After graduating from an art college in Tokyo, he worked for an apparel company designing T-shirts prints, but later went freelance which started his career as an artist. Initially, Yu created artworks in a variety of art styles, but in 2014, he focused on released artworks composed entirely of black and white lines, which became his signature style. The motifs he chooses for his works comes from movies, art, and music that he encountered during and after his childhood, and are strongly influenced by American 90's culture.
His style received widespread recognition when it was featured on the cover of the Japanese magazine "POPEYE", and since then, he has been releasing a steady stream of artwork productions and collaborations with famous brands in Japan as well as abroad. In 2019, he held a solo exhibition named "Express More with Less", which focused on his shift from drawing on paper to painting on canvas. The following year, he attracted a lot of attention with his exhibition "The Last Supper" held at Gallery SAI in Shibuya, Tokyo. Since then, he has continued to garner attention both in Japan and abroad, including solo exhibitions in Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as participation in the Chinese art fair "WEST BUND".
アーティスト。1976年東京生まれ。幼少期に父の転勤をきっかけにトルコに移り住み、現地の画家から油彩画を教わる。東京の美術大学を卒業後、アパレル会社でTシャツのグラフィックを手がけるが、その後フリーに転向し、作家活動を本格的に開始。当時は様々な作風で作品を制作していたが、2014年に一転、現在のスタイルとなる白黒のラインのみで構成された作品を発表。モチーフには自身が幼少期やその後に出会った映画、アート、音楽などが選ばれ、90年代のアメリカカルチャーからの影響を色濃く受けている。雑誌『POPEYE』の表紙に起用されたことをきっかけに一躍その作風が世に知られ、それ以後は作品制作だけではなく、国内外の名だたるブランドとコラボレーションを発表。2019年にはそれまでのドローイングから支持体をキャンバスに移した個展「Express More with Less」を開催。翌年に渋谷のギャラリーSAIで開催された「The Last Supper」と共に大きな注目を集める。その後も香港、台湾での個展、中国のアートフェア「WEST BUND」への参加など、国内外で注目を集め続けている。

“Have a nice day” Meee Gallery, Tokyo
“A Piece for a day” MIDORI.so2 GALLERY, Tokyo
“I SEND” Nepenthes New York, NYC
“Study” OMOHARAREAL pop-up gallery, Tokyo
“Express More with Less” GALLERY TARGET, Tokyo
“I’m Your Venus” Hong Kong
“The Last Supper” SAI, Tokyo
“Be Thankful for What You Got” Taipei
“Pink Nude” Lurf MUSEUM, Tokyo
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